Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to get rid of teenage acne and acne remedie for black skin

3) Candida - If you have adult acne, you could be suffering from a yeast infection condition called candida. As mentioned earlier, nutritional deficiency can cause acne, yeast is a component that can be harmful to the digestive system and thus prevent absorption of nutrients.
The next time you are at the drug store and you need a solution to your acne problems, then please ignore those harsh astringents or medically prescribed, side effect riddled solutions. All natural cures and aids are best suited for anyone who wants a long-term solution to a life-long problem.
Curing acne not just treating it Curing acne depends on dealing with the causes of acne. Acne pimples break out not suddenly but through a build up over several days of infection under the skin. The pores (tiny holes) in the skin can get blocked by an excess of a naturally produced skin oil, which in normal quantities is fine, but which if over-produced by over-stimulated skin glands, creates a breeding ground for harmful acne-producing bacteria. Stop the over-production of oil and you will go a long way to stopping the acne infection.
tags: how to get rid of acne overnight remedies, how to fight hormonal acne, free acne skin care products

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