Saturday, September 27, 2008

Medicne on how to rid of acne

« ...I would like to speed up my acne treatment, would using my medication more frequently than prescribed helps the clearing of my acne?...
...Now don't run out to your local drug store and pick up the first moisturizer that you see! Store bought lotions and moisturizing soaps usually incorporate synthetic elements and harmful carcinogens in order to decrease costs and increase shelf life. Unfortunately, in the cosmetic industry ingredients don't need to be disclosed to the consumer. In other words... you have no clue what you're putting on your skin!...»
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«...Forgive me I may be coming off as a bit simplistic but sometimes as you know we human beings can over complicate issues and fail to see the answer that is staring us in the face....»
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tags: best home treatment for acne scars, back acne getting rid of, acne free severe

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